Sunday, March 29, 2009

Over-reaction maybe?

I mean what have i got to say.
I am a pussy.

Bunch of

These isn't right anymore.
I am not fitting in.
So this is what i am gonna do.
I am bailing out on you all,
yes dudes,
i am out.

Oh yeees,
i am pissed.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Breathe. Its coming

Ah yes.
Freedom is here.
Here's a short update on what is in.
1. Barcodes for Breakfast is preparing for an audition.
Please support us, we need it.
2. Mark started to listen to love songs again
3.Mark is really hungry
4.Mark is going down to eat.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bad idea jeans

I was comtemplating between studying and watching the tube
I chose beer instead.

Not a wise decision indeed

Paid off, finally

3 weeks of testing,
and practising.
Finished 21st in Grand Prix Singapore.
Earning myself 400usd.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I need to remember what used to be good.
If I don't, I won't recognize it even if it hits me between the eyes.

I miss

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Its the holidays, so be prepared to hear more from me.
Vacation mood is starting to kick in.

Hot chocolate.
The warmth emitting by your laptop

Yes lei, i know you are jealous.

I am starting to feel empty once again.
My life has been revolving around


Such a sin.
Like i said before,
I have to learn the ability of caring.
So friends and family whom i have hurt because of this.

I am utterly sorry

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What do we live on? Love.

The holidays has been and will be utterly random,
this is what i did today.

Police Inspector: Doctors... Lawyers... never get past 60 thousand rupees. He's won 10 million. Police Inspector: What can a slumdog possibly know?
Jamal Malik: [quietly] The answers.

You guessed it,
slumdog millionaire,
nothing big,
it only won 8 oscars.

A truly awesome film.
Everything that a film needs, slumdog millionaire offers.
The Comedy, the Love and the Emotions.
Be prepared to be overtaken by a variation of emotions
Brutally honest,
the screenplay strikes on mankind's weakness,
the ability to believe in someone different.
A well-directed and unique film.
A must watch.

The company was awesome too.